Freshman Teams

Our Freshman Teams are a dynamic group of teachers from different disciplines who come together to create a unique and innovative learning experience for our students. Together, they create connected learning experiences that integrate multiple content areas, focusing on collaboration, flexible grouping, and project-based learning. We are excited about the impact teaming has had on student academic growth and success in our pilot programs over the past several years.

Success during freshman year is crucial to high school success and sets the tone for the rest of the high school experience. This learning model is a promising framework for promoting a successful transition into high school and supporting the academic growth of freshman students.

As we look towards the future, we're thrilled to announce that starting in the 2024-25 school year, all incoming freshmen will have the opportunity to benefit from this empowering and transformative teaming model.

These classes are our daughter's absolute favorite. Amazing teachers and incredible opportunities to learn and practice real world skills.

Jennifer Fox  


I wish all of school was handled this creatively. It brings out the kids' desires to be high achievers, and that's a wonderful thing to see!



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Quotes from current 9th grade students

Interdisciplinary Teams

All of our freshmen will be able to experience what only small groups have been able to have this past year with a team of English, Biology, and World History teachers who work together to create interconnected learning experiences.

Engineering Team

Freshman Engineering students take a STEM-focused English class focusing on technical reading and writing and integrate the projects they are doing in Engineering. Next year, a STEM-focused Biology and World History class will be added to expand students' connections between their courses.

Biomed Team

First year Biomedical Sciences students are blocked in a two period class with Biology, allowing them to explore Biology content through the lens of Biomed. We will be adding an English and World History classes to this team next year.